A Global Treaty to End Plastic Pollution that People and Nature Need

As states prepare to gather at the fifth and final session of the intergovernmental negotiations on the global treaty to end plastic pollution (INC-5), plastic pollution continues to ravage our planet, destroying ecosystems and wildlife populations, fuelling climate change and infiltrating our bodies through the air we breathe and the food and water we consume. […]
Cleaning Up Canals In Venice

Research by the Italian Institute for Marine Research (CNR-ISMAR) found the canals of the historic city center of Venice to be littered with a large amount of waste and in particular, car tyres; this is due to the common practice, especially by heavy load transport boats, of using tyres as boat fenders. Project Objectives: The […]
Transforming Waste Management and Lives in Izmir, Türkiye

WWF-Türkiye has been working with the Metropolitan Municipality (MM) of Izmir since 2019 when the city joined Plastic Smart Cities. At the time, waste segregation at the source was not widely practised in Türkiye. Project Objectives Download the Case Study to learn more about the Izmir Transformation. Note: The IzDönüşüm project is now ending due […]
Separation of Waste at Source in Likoni and Mvita, Kenya

WWF Kenya, supported by the European Investment Bank, piloted a waste segregation pilot project in Mombasa. 800 households in Likoni and Mvita participated in this project. Over 8 weeks, 50,396.71 kilograms of waste were successfully separated. 12,254.45 Kilograms representing 24.3% of the collected waste was recycled reducing pressure on landfills. With an adoption rate of […]
Making the Global Plastics Treaty Work for Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises

New report by WWF and Ellen MacArthur Foundation analyses how to make the global plastic pollution treaty work for micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). The report also makes recommendations for how global rules across the plastic value chain can stimulate new marked opportunities. MSMEs represent 90% of businesses worldwide. They are engines of innovation, particularly […]
Inspiring Stories of Community-Based Waste Management: Sharing Experiences Across Indonesia via Participatory Action Research

The initiative and role of the community in dealing with waste need to be recognized. Especially when it comes to waste, a problem that never ends. Every effort to strengthen these initiatives and roles certainly has stories of ‘struggle’ that can be a personal and collective community. Including waste banks, NGOs, and communities that are […]
Clean Ports, Clean Oceans: Lessons learned from addressing plastic pollution in the Philippines

Plastic pollution is one of the fastest-growing global environmental problems. It is generally estimated that 80% of marine plastic litter comes from land-based activities and 20% from sea-based activities, such as fishing, aquaculture and shipping. The maritime sector is an essential part of global trade and the economy and includes activities at sea but also […]
WWF Singapore x Sentosa Disposable Playbook

Sentosa Playbook for Reducing Disposables
Cities and Businesses Tackling the Tourism Plastic Crisis

Everyday, plastic flows into our natural environment at an unprecedented rate, posing a threat to land and marine ecosystems, local economies and human health. The tourism sector, including destinations and business, has an important role in contributing to the solution for plastic pollution. Tourism is responsible for up to 40% increase of marine litter in […]
Case Studies from Asia: City-Level Learnings for the Global Plastic Pollution Treaty

As United Nations Member States gather to negotiate a historic global treaty on plastic pollution, this report aims to provide negotiators with policy recommendations derived from on-the-ground interventions from cities in Asia that are tackling plastic pollution. With 60% of plastic waste derived from urban centres, cities are on the frontline of the global plastic […]