From Plastic Smart Cities to Plastic Free School Programme. From the Plastic Smart Cities project to the extension of the concept and goal of nurturing children and youth, it has expanded into the Plastic Free School Programme, which was organized under 10 pilot schools in Surat Thani Municipality and Koh Samui Municipality in 2024. The Plastic Free School Programme activities focus on working with groups of children and youth, the new generation, instilling awareness, transferring knowledge, and creating appropriate attitudes about waste management in schools and daily life through 5 creative learning activities. After the pilot school activities, the goal is to reduce plastic in schools by a total of 1 ton or 1,000 kilograms throughout the project period.

This manual designed activities that teachers could use to expand the results for student leaders, and the student leaders themselves could expand the results for other students in the school, such as the “4 Bases” activity. In the first instance, teachers organized the activities for student leaders, and in the second instance, student leaders continued the 4 Bases activity by becoming activity operators in the Plastic Free School Day campaign.
Language: Thai