Ocean Plastic

Ocean Plastic® is a range of premium materials for the sports, fashion, and luxury industries made from intercepted and upcycled marine plastic debris. 

TARGET USERS: Individuals, Industry

KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Ocean Plastic® is a premium material, and as such, comes at a price premium over conventional plastic materials.

MORE INFORMATION: https://www.parley.tv/updates/parley-ocean-plastic


Plastic debris continues to pollute the ocean, shorelines and coastal communities. Yet this plastic waste can be used as a resource to replace virgin materials when collected and upcycled into new products. 


Ocean Plastic® is a range of premium materials for the sports, fashion and luxury industries made from intercepted and upcycled marine plastic debris. Ocean Plastic® replaces virgin materials and allows for the implementation of Parley’s long-term strategy: Parley AIR — Avoid, Intercept, Redesign.

Parley developed the first global supply chain for upcycled marine plastic debris and introduced Ocean Plastic®, a range of eco-innovative materials which champion a vision for a material revolution. Ocean Plastic® is created from upcycled plastic waste intercepted by Parley from remote islands, shorelines, waters and in coastal communities. As a catalyst for progress and an immediate replacement for virgin plastic, Ocean Plastic® raises awareness as well as funding for education and eco-innovation initiatives supporting long-term solutions to marine plastic pollution.

Parley materials aim to inspire and empower the creative industries to build a better future. Parley sees the key to ending marine plastic pollution not in recycling, but in the redesign and replacement of harmful materials, methods and thinking.  


Another solution that collect and process marine plastic debris into new products such as Ooobject.


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