Community Generates Funds from Selling Recyclables through a Waste Bank Initiative

Community Generates Funds from Selling Recyclables through a Waste Bank Initiative

The separation of waste at source is supported through the provision of segregation bins to collect recyclable waste, which is sold to recyclers – this intervention generates income for the community from waste sorting. Background Baan Bang Lha is a community of narrow pathways built on piles in the Tapee River that experiences garbage leakage […]

Who Pays for Plastic Pollution? – Enabling Global Equity in the Plastic Value Chain

Who Pays for Plastic Pollution? – Enabling Global Equity in the Plastic Value Chain

The lifetime cost of plastic is 10 times higher for low-income countries than rich ones, revealing crippling inequities in the plastics value chain A WWF-commissioned report developed by Dalberg warns that the true cost of plastic on our shared environment, health and economies can be as much as 10 times higher for low-income countries, even […]

Putting an End to Plastic Pollution

Putting an End to Plastic Pollution

TOWARDS A TREATY TO END PLASTIC POLLUTION: WWFs CALL TO URGENTLY REGULATE HIGH-RISK PLASTIC PRODUCTS FROM POLLUTION TO SOLUTION Plastic is suffocating our rivers and oceans, killing species and contaminating our food, air and water. And the problem is only getting worse. Plastic pollution is a global problem that requires a global solution. Plastic leaking […]

Marine Plastic Pollution and Its Sources in the Coral Triangle

Marine Plastic Pollution and Its Sources in the Coral Triangle

Every year, 11 million tonnes of plastic waste enter the world’s oceans, and this number is projected to increase to 29 million tonnes by 2040. The report “Marine Plastic Pollution and Its Sources in the Coral Triangle” highlights the serious issue of plastic waste in one of the world’s most diverse and delicate marine ecosystems. […]

Regulating High-Risk Plastic Products

Regulating High-Risk Plastic Products

The UN Environment Assembly’s decision, in March 2022, to start international negotiations on a plastic pollution treaty marked a watershed moment. Following a successful first session of the Intergovernmental Negotiation Committee (INC), states and other stakeholders are now committing to paper what the new treaty should contain. As states prepare for the INC’s second session […]

Breaking Down High-Risk Plastic Products

Breaking Down High-Risk Plastic Products

The UN Environment Assembly’s decision, in March 2022, to start international negotiations on a plastic pollution treaty marked a watershed moment. Following a successful first session of the Intergovernmental Negotiation Committee (INC), states and other stakeholders are now committing to paper what the new treaty should contain. As states prepare for the INC’s second session […]

Research Assessment on the Attitudes and Motivations of Women in Waste

Research Assessment on the Attitudes and Motivations of Women in Waste

Studies on plastics and gender displayed three overarching concepts including women’s interlinked role with household care, their role in the plastics value chain, and perception of hazard in the waste sector. Environmental behaviors often serve as animpetus for determining green consumptionpractices (Zhao et al., 2021), with womenendorsing stronger pro-environmentalattitudes than men. Aruta (2021) observedthat women […]

Extended Producer Responsibility Guideline on Plastic Products & Packaging for Industries in Indonesia

Extended Producer Responsibility Guideline on Plastic Products & Packaging for Industries in Indonesia

Extended Producers Responsibility (EPR) is widely recognized as a critical policy tool to encourage businesses to be held accountable for the end-of-life impacts of their plastic products and packaging and the development of eco-friendly products.  Indonesia’s government strengthens its commitment towards EPR by the launch of the Ministry of Environment and Forest Regulation No. P.75/2019, […]

Rising Tides II: Public Opinion Overwhelmingly Supports Global Rules to End Plastic Pollution

Rising Tides II: Public Opinion Overwhelmingly Supports Global Rules to End Plastic Pollution

Plastic production, consumption and pollution levels have increased exponentially since plastic became widespread in the 1950s. More than 2,000 animal species have encountered plastic pollution in their environment, and nearly 90% of species specifically studied are known to be negatively affected. WWF and the Plastic Free Foundation commissioned global research company Ipsos to undertake this […]

Towards a Treaty to End Plastic Pollution

Towards a Treaty to End Plastic Pollution

In March 2022, UN member states made the historic decision to develop an international, legally binding instrument to end plastic pollution. This is a unique opportunity to unlock systemic change across the global plastics economy. An effective treaty will deliver decisive impact across the full value chain. If not structured properly, however, there is a […]