Who Pays for Plastic Pollution? – Enabling Global Equity in the Plastic Value Chain

The lifetime cost of plastic is 10 times higher for low-income countries than rich ones, revealing crippling inequities in the plastics value chain

A WWF-commissioned report developed by Dalberg warns that the true cost of plastic on our shared environment, health and economies can be as much as 10 times higher for low-income countries, even though they consume almost three times less plastic per-capita, than high-income countries.
Single-use plastic now accounts for 60% of global plastic production and 70% of ocean plastic leakage.

The vast majority of single-use plastic products are often too difficult or dangerous to recycle – exposing waste workers and frontline communities to unsafe working conditions, the spread of infectious diseases and increased risk of flooding.

WWF calls on all governments to agree on a treaty with harmonized, binding global rules that can remove inequities reinforced and exacerbated through our current take, make, and waste plastics system.

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