

Oceanworks is the global marketplace for recycled ocean plastic materials and products.  TARGET USERS: Individuals, Businesses, Industry, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: A sourcing platform that provides a range of recycled ocean plastic resins, yarn, materials, and products. MORE INFORMATION: https://oceanworks.co/ THE PROBLEM Plastic waste that is not collected and processed inevitably finds its way into nature. Furthermore, even when plastic waste […]

Ocean Plastic

Ocean Plastic

Ocean Plastic® is a range of premium materials for the sports, fashion, and luxury industries made from intercepted and upcycled marine plastic debris.  TARGET USERS: Individuals, Industry KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Ocean Plastic® is a premium material, and as such, comes at a price premium over conventional plastic materials. MORE INFORMATION: https://www.parley.tv/updates/parley-ocean-plastic THE PROBLEM Plastic debris continues to pollute the ocean, shorelines […]



Nordsense develops smart sensors for waste bins to optimize the way waste collection is performed.  TARGET USERS: Businesses, Industry, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Nordsense offers smart sensors, fleet management and intelligent routing software. MORE INFORMATION: https://nordsense.com/ THE PROBLEM 90% of the world’s waste is collected at the wrong time. When it’s picked-up too late, overflowing containers lead to waste in nature. When waste is […]

Municipal Measurement Program

Municipal Measurement Program

The Municipal Measurement Program is free program assessment and planning tool that delivers insights and actionable recommendations to municipal waste management agencies.  TARGET USERS: Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: The Municipal Measurement Program is centralized database of municipal program information that government agencies can use to improve recycling, with a current target market in the United States and Canada. […]

Mechanical Recycling

Mechanical Recycling

Mechanical recycling is the processing of plastic waste into secondary raw material without significantly changing the chemical structure of the material.  TARGET USERS: Industry, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Transitioning to a circular economy that retains plastic in its highest value condition is essential to reduce environmental impacts, promoting reduction, reuse, and recycling.  MORE INFORMATION: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/marc.202000415 THE PROBLEM The global plastics […]



Loop is a global circular shopping platform that enables consumers to buy common household products in reusable containers and with a container delivery/return service in partnership with major retail brands.  TARGET USERS: Individuals, Businesses, Industry, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Loop currently features 173 products that range from food to personal care products, to household cleaning supplies, and with a […]

Litter Traps

Litter Traps

Litter trap technologies retrieve floating plastic debris in rivers, ports, and harbors before it can enter seas and oceans.  TARGET USERS: Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Litter trap technologies take advantage of natural forces such as water currents and wind to effectively capture plastic debris before it can reach the sea, requiring no energy to function and respecting the natural environment. MORE INFORMATION: https://www.clearrivers.eu/ THE PROBLEM […]

Landfill Tax

Landfill Tax

Landfill taxes are charged to private landfill operators to help drive waste away from landfills and towards environmentally preferable disposal alternatives, such as reuse, recycling, and composting.  TARGET USERS: Businesses, Industry, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: While it is well documented that countries with high landfill taxes tend to have lower landfill rates, affordable landfill alternatives must be available in […]



Ioniqa transforms all types and colors of PET waste into valuable resources of ‘virgin quality’ new PET through its proprietary upcycling technology.  TARGET USERS: Businesses, Industry, Government COSTS: See contact for more information. KEY CONSIDERATIONS: The Ioniqa technology is only operational at its first plant in The Netherlands as of July 2019. MORE INFORMATION: https://ioniqa.com/ CONTACT: [email protected] THE PROBLEM The vast majority […]

Incineration Tax

Incineration Tax

Incineration taxes are charged to waste incineration operators to help drive waste away from incinerator facilities towards preferable disposal alternatives, including reuse, recycling, and composting.  TARGET USERS: Businesses, Industry, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Incineration tax can be an effective instrument that diverts plastic waste away from incinerator facilities, but it can also be a politically divisive instrument among waste-to-energy advocates. […]