River Watch

River Watch

River Watch (Sungai Watch in Indonesia) is an online platform that uses GIS mapping and artificial intelligence to monitor plastic river cleanups.  TARGET USERS: Businesses and Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Sungai Watch is deployed in tandem with floating booms that trap plastic debris in rivers for collection, processing and recycling; pilots are currently launched in Bali, Indonesia. MORE INFORMATION: https://makeachange.world/sungaiwatch […]

Source Segregation

Source Segregation

Source Segregation by regulatory instrument establishes rules that govern the quality of garbage collection at the household or institutional level, and that can mandate or incentivize waste stream separation at the source of generation.  TARGET USERS: Individuals, Businesses, Industry, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Source Segregation reduces the upstream sorting cost and ensures that downstream recyclers receive clean feedstock, thus […]

Reuse Models

Reuse Models

Reusable containers and packaging eliminate the need for single-use plastic items in all sectors.  TARGET USERS: Individuals, Businesses, Industry, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Globally, replacing just 20% of single-use plastic packaging with reusable alternatives offers an opportunity worth at least USD 10 billion. Reuse models can bring major user and business benefits including superior user experiences, user insights, brand […]



RePack provides retailers with reusable and returnable delivery packaging that replaces single-use materials for customer deliveries.  TARGET USERS: Individuals, Businesses, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: RePack’s packaging materials are made from recycled products and designed for at least 40 use cycles.  MORE INFORMATION: https://www.originalrepack.com/ THE PROBLEM Consumer goods are shipped using single-use packaging, a decision that is made by the company shipping out products to their customers. […]



Recykal is a recycle-enabling technology that connects waste generators with collectors, processors and recyclers, seeking to increase collection and recycling rates by merging the informal and formal waste sectors.  TARGET USERS: Individuals, Businesses, Industry, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Recykal is currently operational in India, with unique products and services for each stakeholder in the waste process. MORE INFORMATION: https://recykal.com/ THE PROBLEM In many developing and […]

Recycling Incentive Scheme

Recycling Incentive Scheme

Recycling incentive schemes provide rewards to users for actively participating in the program.  TARGET USERS: Individuals, Businesses, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Rewards are given to program participants to encourage recycling, typically with vouchers for individuals, vouchers for communities or payments to individuals. MORE INFORMATION: https://www.serco.com/media/924/924.original.pdf THE PROBLEM Plastic recycling rates remain low and stagnant across the globe, with vast volumes of plastic being […]



Recircle is a reusable lunch box system that leverages a deposit scheme for restaurants.  TARGET USERS: Individuals, Businesses, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Scheme is currently only available in Switzerland and Germany. MORE INFORMATION: https://www.recircle.ch/ THE PROBLEM Single-use take-away food containers including styrofoam boxes, plastic salad bowls and non-recyclable food wrappers, continue to overwhelm city waste management collection schedules, particularly in the summer […]

Public Awareness

Public Awareness

Public awareness campaigns that engage and educate local communities on plastic waste can spur community action and affect consumer choices.  TARGET USERS: Individuals, Businesses, Industry, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: The aim is to increase public understanding and shape community perceptions on the dangers of plastic pollution and available solutions, thereby empowering more people and organizations to take action. MORE INFORMATION: https://www.plasticdisclosure.org/ THE PROBLEM Everyday, […]

Project Stop

Project Stop

Project STOP helps cities design and implement waste management programs to increase collection rates and keep plastics out of the environment.  TARGET USERS: Individuals, Businesses, Industry, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Project STOP does not own the waste nor operate a collection, sorting, recycling, treatment or landfill business. All profits from the sale of recyclables and organics are kept by the local community and […]

Product Certification

Product Certification

Third-party product certifications, labels or rankings on products that are plastic-free, contain low volumes of plastics, or are composed of secondary plastics, can create awareness and drive market differentiation.  TARGET USERS: Individuals, Businesses, Industry, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Consumers are more aware than ever, requesting plastic-free alternatives and greater transparency in the market. MORE INFORMATION: https://globalecolabelling.net/what-is-eco-labelling/ THE PROBLEM Plastic is an […]