
RePack provides retailers with reusable and returnable delivery packaging that replaces single-use materials for customer deliveries. 

TARGET USERS: Individuals, Businesses, Government

KEY CONSIDERATIONS: RePack’s packaging materials are made from recycled products and designed for at least 40 use cycles. 



Consumer goods are shipped using single-use packaging, a decision that is made by the company shipping out products to their customers. However, the current system places responsibility on the end consumer for managing this waste. By creating new models, we can effectively transfer this waste burden and cost to the company upstream, which find increasing value with reuse packaging models that reduce costs and waste volumes.


Reusable Packaging
RePack’s returnable packages are designed to fold into letter size when empty and returned to a postbox, anywhere in the world. Bags are made of durable and recycled materials and come in three adjustable sizes. According to RePack’s assessment, their model reduces CO2 emissions by up to 80% when compared to single-use disposable package deliveries.

Reuse as a Service
The RePack fee covers the bag and a global, empty packaging return. This fee can be paid by the partner retailer, or by the customer, depending on how the retail partner integrates RePack into their business model. RePack take the packaging back, checks it, cleans it and redistributes it for reuse.


Packaging Material Fees
Packaging Material Fees require manufacturers to pay fees according to the amount of packaging material they put on the market.


Reusable shipping materials are now a growing trend, with new companies introducing products in the space, including LimeLoop and Returnity in partnership with Fashion For Good.

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