Handbook of Survey Methodology of Plastics Leakage by CSIRO

This Handbook provides detail on the various survey methodologies used by CSIRO’s team that focus on plastic pollution on land and at sea – in upland, riverine, coastal and marine environments. We invite you to follow our methodologies in order to develop consistent, robust datasets across various geographies that can be used in understanding waste or debris flows from land to the ocean.

This handbook covers methodology for conducting surveys in four different areas:

  • Inland Areas: 3-6 transects that are 25m2 in area (either 2m x 12.5m or 1m x 25m), conducted in the primary land use types at the survey area.
  • Riverine Areas: 3-6 transects that run from the water’s edge to 2m beyond the influence of the river, and are 2m wide.
  • Coastal Areas: 3-6 transects that run from the water’s edge at the coastline to the vegetation near the coast, and are 2m wide.
  • At-sea in the nearshore – through Surface Trawl Surveys: Three 15-minute tows conducted from a vessel or boat in nearshore areas.

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