Clean Oceans Project Identification and Preparation (COPIP) Pilot Project Report

WWF Kenya, supported by the European Investment Bank, piloted a waste segregation pilot project in Mombasa. 800 households in Likoni and Mvita participated in this project. Over 8 weeks, 50,396.71 kilograms of waste were successfully separated. 12,254.45 Kilograms representing 24.3% of the collected waste was recycled reducing pressure on landfills. With an adoption rate of 40-70%, the project underscores the viability of source separation of waste, thereby validating the county-wide roll-out of the initiative in Mombasa.

The project objectives were:

  • To test the 3-bin waste collection system in a bid to enhance waste recovery rates and reduce the quantity of waste transported to the dumpsite or illegal dumpsites
  • To enhance the business of waste collection an valorization in order to improve livelihoods and create decent jobs
  • To document through videography the pilot project for purposes of raising awareness on the 3-bin waste collection system

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