Separation of Waste at Source in Likoni and Mvita, Kenya

Separation of Waste at Source in Likoni and Mvita, Kenya

WWF Kenya, supported by the European Investment Bank, piloted a waste segregation pilot project in Mombasa. 800 households in Likoni and Mvita participated in this project. Over 8 weeks, 50,396.71 kilograms of waste were successfully separated. 12,254.45 Kilograms representing 24.3% of the collected waste was recycled reducing pressure on landfills. With an adoption rate of […]

FROM THE MARGINS TO MAINSTREAM: A White Paper on Integrating Informal Sector Workers into Formal Economies in Southeast Asia

FROM THE MARGINS TO MAINSTREAM: A White Paper on Integrating Informal Sector Workers into Formal Economies in Southeast Asia

This report delves into the critical role of Informal Waste Workers (IWWs) within the wastemanagement system. The primary focus is to analyze the challenges IWWs face and the opportunities for formalizing their work, ultimately improving their working conditions and stabilizing their income. The integration of informal waste workers into formal waste management systems presents a […]

Solving Plastic Waste: Roadmap for a Sustainable Future

Solving Plastic Waste: Roadmap for a Sustainable Future

India generates more than 10 million tons of plastic waste each year. A new paper by Kearney and the Confederation of Indian Industry maps out a comprehensive initiative to address this challenging landscape. Each step of the plastics value chain requires close examination to identify issues and drive potential solutions:

Waste Wise Cities Tool

Waste Wise Cities Tool

Step by Step Guide to Assess a City’s Municipal Solid Waste Management Performance through SDG indicator 11.6.1 Monitoring Waste Wise Cities Tool (WaCT) guides readers through 7 steps to collect data on municipal solid waste (MSW) generated, collected, and managed in controlled facilities. The tool provides a household survey guide for total MSW generation, a […]

Case Studies from Asia: City-Level Learnings for the Global Plastic Pollution Treaty

Case Studies from Asia: City-Level Learnings for the Global Plastic Pollution Treaty

As United Nations Member States gather to negotiate a historic global treaty on plastic pollution, this report aims to provide negotiators with policy recommendations derived from on-the-ground interventions from cities in Asia that are tackling plastic pollution. With 60% of plastic waste derived from urban centres, cities are on the frontline of the global plastic […]

Community Generates Funds from Selling Recyclables through a Waste Bank Initiative

Community Generates Funds from Selling Recyclables through a Waste Bank Initiative

The separation of waste at source is supported through the provision of segregation bins to collect recyclable waste, which is sold to recyclers – this intervention generates income for the community from waste sorting. Background Baan Bang Lha is a community of narrow pathways built on piles in the Tapee River that experiences garbage leakage […]

Enhancing Labor-intensive Separate Waste Collection and Utilization in APEC Economies

Enhancing Labor-intensive Separate Waste Collection and Utilization in APEC Economies

Decision-makers and practitioners often focus on technological solutions for recycling, treating and disposing of waste. However, the key to successful comprehensive waste recovery lies in collection, which accounts for 60 to 80 percent of the total disposal costs. Mistakes made here cannot be compensated for by any technology, no matter how sophisticated. This guide targets […]

Proven Practice Guide to Improve Waste Management and Address Plastic Pollution in Southeast Asia

Proven Practice Guide to Improve Waste Management and Address Plastic Pollution in Southeast Asia

Proven Practices to Improve Waste Management and Address Plastic Pollution in Southeast Asia was codeveloped by Battelle and the Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia (COBSEA), along with qualitative data gathered across a select group of organizations and programs with demonstrated experience successfully designing and implementing ocean plastics pollution mitigation efforts across Southeast […]