Case Studies from Asia: City-Level Learnings for the Global Plastic Pollution Treaty

Case Studies from Asia: City-Level Learnings for the Global Plastic Pollution Treaty

As United Nations Member States gather to negotiate a historic global treaty on plastic pollution, this report aims to provide negotiators with policy recommendations derived from on-the-ground interventions from cities in Asia that are tackling plastic pollution. With 60% of plastic waste derived from urban centres, cities are on the frontline of the global plastic […]

Three major Philippine ports achieve 50% reduction of plastic waste leakage

Three major Philippine ports achieve 50% reduction of plastic waste leakage

The ports of Batangas, Cagayan De Oro and Manila North Port were each able to reduce 50% of their plastic waste leakage through multiple interventions implemented in the past year. The three major ports served as pilot sites for the Clean Ports, Clean Oceans: Improving Port Waste Management in the Philippines project under WWF-Philippines’ Plastic […]

Saving Phu Quoc’s Coral Reefs: Against Plastic Pollution and Ghost Gear

Saving Phu Quoc’s Coral Reefs:  Against Plastic Pollution and Ghost Gear

Coral Reefs vs. Ghost Gear  Mr. Ly Vanh Tha, clad in a diving suit, gradually disappears into the embrace of the rolling ocean waves. He diligently cleans coral reefs for hours beneath the sea, meticulously untangling every ghost net and cutting each piece of entwined fishing line. Tha has dedicated over 13 years to this […]

A new collaboration to manage plastic waste in Jakarta, Bogor and Depok

A new collaboration to manage plastic waste in Jakarta, Bogor and Depok

The Plastic Smart Cities initiative has been implemented in Indonesia since 2021 in 5 different cities: Bogor, Jakarta, Depok, Makassar, and Denpasar (Bali). In January 2024, WWF-Indonesia, with Plastic Smart Cities, launched a new collaboration with three institutions from Indonesia: PT. KIBUMI, PT. WASTE4CHANGE and the RECO Consortium, which consists of PT. Million Waste Indonesia, […]

Izmir Aims to End Plastic Waste in Tourism with Plastic Smart Cities

Izmir Aims to End Plastic Waste in Tourism with Plastic Smart Cities

The Plastic Smart Izmir Tourism Workshop was held in Urladam, Izmir within the scope of the 15th European Waste Reduction Week held between 18 to 26 November 2023.  With the slogan “End plastic waste in tourism“, the Plastic Smart Izmir Tourism Workshop was co-organised by the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality’s Climate Change and Zero Waste Department […]