[WWF] Community Generates Funds from Selling Recyclables through a Waste Bank Initiative

[WWF] Community Generates Funds from Selling Recyclables through a Waste Bank Initiative

The separation of waste at source is supported through the provision of segregation bins to collect recyclable waste, which is sold to recyclers – this intervention generates income for the community from waste sorting. KEY SUCCESSES As of November 2023, the community has sold recyclable waste to the junk shop five times, totalling 1,195 kilograms […]



Thread transforms plastic bottles into sustainable fabric, and partners with mainstream brands to produce clothing apparel products.  TARGET USERS: Individuals, Businesses, Industry KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Thread collects and processes plastic bottles into fabric in Haiti and Honduras. MORE INFORMATION: https://threadinternational.com/ THE PROBLEM Single-use plastic bottles continue to pollute the environment and find pathways to the marine ecosystem.  THE SOLUTION Thread collects plastic bottles from […]



Recykal is a recycle-enabling technology that connects waste generators with collectors, processors and recyclers, seeking to increase collection and recycling rates by merging the informal and formal waste sectors.  TARGET USERS: Individuals, Businesses, Industry, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Recykal is currently operational in India, with unique products and services for each stakeholder in the waste process. MORE INFORMATION: https://recykal.com/ THE PROBLEM In many developing and […]

Recycling Incentive Scheme

Recycling Incentive Scheme

Recycling incentive schemes provide rewards to users for actively participating in the program.  TARGET USERS: Individuals, Businesses, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Rewards are given to program participants to encourage recycling, typically with vouchers for individuals, vouchers for communities or payments to individuals. MORE INFORMATION: https://www.serco.com/media/924/924.original.pdf THE PROBLEM Plastic recycling rates remain low and stagnant across the globe, with vast volumes of plastic being […]

Product Certification

Product Certification

Third-party product certifications, labels or rankings on products that are plastic-free, contain low volumes of plastics, or are composed of secondary plastics, can create awareness and drive market differentiation.  TARGET USERS: Individuals, Businesses, Industry, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Consumers are more aware than ever, requesting plastic-free alternatives and greater transparency in the market. MORE INFORMATION: https://globalecolabelling.net/what-is-eco-labelling/ THE PROBLEM Plastic is an […]

Vietnam Community-based Municipal Solid Waste

Vietnam Community-based Municipal Solid Waste

Part 1 – Community-based Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Management and resource cycling in Cu Lao Cham Island – Material Recovery Facility (MRF) initiative. Nguyen Thi My Quynh (WWF Vietnam), Huynh Thi Thuy Huong (Management Board of Cu Lao Cham Marine Protected Area) Cu Lao Cham Island (Hoi An City, Quang Nam Province) is one of […]

Vietnam Material Recovery Facility Initiative

Vietnam Material Recovery Facility Initiative

Part 2 – From the “Material Recovery Facility” initiative to the “Center for Development of Community Initiative and Environment” in Cu Lao Cham. Nguyen Thi My Quynh (WWF-Vietnam), Huynh Thi Thuy Huong, (Management Board of Cu Lao Cham Marine Protected Area). The Material Recovery Facility in Cu Lao Cham is a pilot model of community-based […]

Mechanical Recycling

Mechanical Recycling

Mechanical recycling is the processing of plastic waste into secondary raw material without significantly changing the chemical structure of the material.  TARGET USERS: Industry, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Transitioning to a circular economy that retains plastic in its highest value condition is essential to reduce environmental impacts, promoting reduction, reuse, and recycling.  MORE INFORMATION: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/marc.202000415 THE PROBLEM The global plastics […]

Litter Traps

Litter Traps

Litter trap technologies retrieve floating plastic debris in rivers, ports, and harbors before it can enter seas and oceans.  TARGET USERS: Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Litter trap technologies take advantage of natural forces such as water currents and wind to effectively capture plastic debris before it can reach the sea, requiring no energy to function and respecting the natural environment. MORE INFORMATION: https://www.clearrivers.eu/ THE PROBLEM […]



Ioniqa transforms all types and colors of PET waste into valuable resources of ‘virgin quality’ new PET through its proprietary upcycling technology.  TARGET USERS: Businesses, Industry, Government COSTS: See contact for more information. KEY CONSIDERATIONS: The Ioniqa technology is only operational at its first plant in The Netherlands as of July 2019. MORE INFORMATION: https://ioniqa.com/ CONTACT: [email protected] THE PROBLEM The vast majority […]