Fishing for Litter

Fishing for Litter

Fishing for Litter aims to reduce marine litter by encouraging the fishing industry to collect ocean plastics, ghost gear, and other debris that gathers in their nets during normal fishing activities.  TARGET USERS: Businesses, Industry, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: All the fishermen who participate in the project are volunteers. MORE INFORMATION: THE PROBLEM Every year, marine species become trapped or entangled […]

Extended Producer Responsibility

Extended Producer Responsibility

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) holds producers responsible for the collection and recycling of specified volumes of plastic that they produce and place into the market.  TARGET USERS: Individuals, Businesses, Industry, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: EPR policy impacts often depend largely on implementation and policing capabilities. MORE INFORMATION: WWF EPR Project THE PROBLEM There is no economic incentive for product manufacturers to reduce […]

Excess Materials Exchange

Excess Materials Exchange

The Excess Materials Exchange is a digital matching platform that identifies high-value re-use options for excess materials or waste products that a company produces.  TARGET USERS: Individuals, Businesses, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Any material, component or product can be exchanged on the EME, however in their pilot they unlocked the potential across 18 streams. MORE INFORMATION: THE PROBLEM Far too […]



EcoTiles are a composite material made from recycled plastics and combined with sand and UV stabilizing pigments and are manufactured by a proprietary extrusion process that produces highly durable yet lightweight roof tiles.  TARGET USERS: Individuals, Businesses, Industry, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Polymers and Engineered Roofing Tiles replicate the look of natural clay and concrete tile, but are half […]



EcoBricks are building bricks made from waste plastic sachets for use in building and construction. TARGET USERS: Individuals, Businesses, Industry, Government COSTS: Community exchange program – one EcoBrick in exchange for two and half kilos of plastic sachets. For large construction projects, inquire for project quote. KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Only available in the Philippines. MORE INFORMATION: THE PROBLEM Plastic sachets are single-use items that are not […]

Edible Packaging

Edible Packaging

Edible packaging made of natural, biodegradable, plant-based materials can be eaten on the go, without a need for waste collection, processing, recycling, or disposal.  TARGET USERS: Individuals, Businesses, Industry, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Edible packaging is made of zero waste packaging materials that can be utilized for food and beverages. MORE INFORMATION: THE PROBLEM Of the 78 million metric tons […]

Kabadiwalla Connect

Kabadiwalla Connect

Kabadiwalla Connect is a decentralized waste management and waste collection solution for cities in the developing world.  TARGET USERS: Individuals, Businesses, Industry, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Solution that integrates informal waste pickers into a formal waste management system. MORE INFORMATION: THE PROBLEM The recovery of post-consumer waste in the developing world is driven by the informal waste ecosystem. However, municipalities, multi-national brands and […]

Deposit Refund Scheme

Deposit Refund Scheme

Deposit refund schemes provide a small refund to consumers when a plastic item is returned to an authorized collection point.  TARGET USERS: Individuals, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: In Europe, 10 countries have implemented deposit refund schemes, with return rates ranging between 82% in Estonia and 98% in Germany. MORE INFORMATION: THE PROBLEM Single-use plastic items are often discarded into […]

Circulate Capital

Circulate Capital

Circulate Capital finances innovations that prevent the flow of plastic waste into the world’s oceans.  TARGET USERS: Individuals, Businesses, Industry, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: The Circulate Capital Ocean Fund (CCOF) provides both debt and equity financing to waste management, recycling, and circular economy start-ups and SMEs in India, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines. CCOF helps solutions to scale […]

Chemical Recycling

Chemical Recycling

Chemical recycling refers to processes that turn plastic polymers back into individual monomers, allowing post-consumer plastic materials to be reused.  TARGET USERS: Industry, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Chemical recycling returns plastic to the chemical building blocks that make up the material while avoiding the burning of plastics. MORE INFORMATION: THE PROBLEM Traditional physical or mechanical recycling typically grinds down plastic into […]