Precious Plastic

Precious Plastic

Precious Plastic is an open-source project that provides tools and guidance on creating local, small-scale recycling shops for the processing and manufacturing of new products.  TARGET USERS: Individuals, Businesses KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Guidance is geared for plastic entrepreneurs that are motivated to recycle and manufacture new products on site.  MORE INFORMATION: THE PROBLEM Few single-use plastic items are actually recycled, with the […]

Plastic-Free Drinking Water

Plastic-Free Drinking Water

Cities can help end the trend of buying water in plastic by ensuring citizens have access to free, drinkable water.  TARGET USERS: Individuals, Businesses, Industry, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Recent polls suggest that 65% of people would not buy plastic water bottles if tap water refills were freely available. MORE INFORMATION: THE PROBLEM Every year around the world we create […]

Single-use Plastic Ban

Single-use Plastic Ban

Introducing market restrictions  – or ‘bans’ – is an effective method to stop single-use plastics from being placed on the market.  TARGET USERS: Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Government bans have been largely implemented at the city level to curb the consumption of single-use plastics. MORE INFORMATION: WWF Report THE PROBLEM Global consumption of plastics has increased more than 20 times in 50 […]

Plastic Sachet Alternatives

Plastic Sachet Alternatives

Promoting alternatives to- or the recycling of- plastic sachets will reduce the impact these small yet destructive plastics have on the environment.  TARGET USERS: Individuals, Businesses, Industry, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Companies like Unilever are creating recycling solutions for sachets but even better are their plastic-free seaweed-based alternatives.  MORE INFORMATION: and THE PROBLEM Billions of single-use plastic sachets are sold everyday, particularly in developing […]

Plastic Credit Systems

Plastic Credit Systems

Plastic Credit Systems require manufacturers to meet obligations by purchasing recycling certificates issued by accredited re-processors or recyclers based on the amount of plastic waste recycled.  TARGET USERS: Businesses, Industry, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Plastic Credit prices are based on supply and demand, with prices fluctuating, depending on whether the market is short or in surplus, as compared […]

Plastic Bank

Plastic Bank

Plastic Bank provides above market-rate for plastic waste, incentivizing plastic collection in exchange for money, items or services.  TARGET USERS: Individuals, Businesses, Industry, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Plastic collected through Plastic Bank is recycled and sold at a premium as Social Plastic®. MORE INFORMATION: THE PROBLEM An astounding 80% of ocean plastic derives from land-based sources. Much of this plastic […]

Vietnam Community-based Municipal Solid Waste

Vietnam Community-based Municipal Solid Waste

Part 1 – Community-based Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Management and resource cycling in Cu Lao Cham Island – Material Recovery Facility (MRF) initiative. Nguyen Thi My Quynh (WWF Vietnam), Huynh Thi Thuy Huong (Management Board of Cu Lao Cham Marine Protected Area) Cu Lao Cham Island (Hoi An City, Quang Nam Province) is one of […]

Vietnam Material Recovery Facility Initiative

Vietnam Material Recovery Facility Initiative

Part 2 – From the “Material Recovery Facility” initiative to the “Center for Development of Community Initiative and Environment” in Cu Lao Cham. Nguyen Thi My Quynh (WWF-Vietnam), Huynh Thi Thuy Huong, (Management Board of Cu Lao Cham Marine Protected Area). The Material Recovery Facility in Cu Lao Cham is a pilot model of community-based […]

Packaging Material Fees

Packaging Material Fees

Packaging Material Fees require manufacturers to pay fees according to the amount of packaging material they put on the market.  TARGET USERS: Industry, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Packaging Material Fees can be pooled to fund packaging waste management activities through a Producer Responsibility Organization. MORE INFORMATION: See the German Packaging Ordinance THE PROBLEM The trade in plastic across international borders remains […]

Ocean Plastic Reinvented

Ocean Plastic Reinvented

Certified averted ocean plastic material can be effectively transformed into versatile, consumer-friendly products.  TARGET USERS: Individuals, Businesses, Industry, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: The demand for recycled ocean plastic products has grown significantly in recent years, creating commercial opportunities that also informs and engage the public. MORE INFORMATION: See more at OceanWorks. THE PROBLEM An estimated 8 million metric tons of plastic trash […]