Transforming Waste Management and Lives in Izmir, Türkiye

WWF-Türkiye has been working with the Metropolitan Municipality (MM) of Izmir since 2019 when the city joined Plastic Smart Cities. At the time, waste segregation at the source was not widely practised in Türkiye. Project Objectives Download the Case Study to learn more about the Izmir Transformation. Note: The IzDönüşüm project is now ending due […]
Community Waste Management at Gunung Emas Waste Bank: A Success Story

This story is written using Participatory Action Research where community leaders are engaged to craft their own narratives. Born from real experiences and deep knowledge, these stories represent actionable agendas that transcend mere conceptualization. Institution Name Gunung Emas Waste Bank Year Established 2014 Office Address Jalan. Kamboja 3 No. 9A, RT.9 RW.11, Rawangmangun, Kec. Pulo […]
Inspiring Stories of Community-Based Waste Management: Sharing Experiences Across Indonesia via Participatory Action Research

The initiative and role of the community in dealing with waste need to be recognized. Especially when it comes to waste, a problem that never ends. Every effort to strengthen these initiatives and roles certainly has stories of ‘struggle’ that can be a personal and collective community. Including waste banks, NGOs, and communities that are […]
[WWF] Community Generates Funds from Selling Recyclables through a Waste Bank Initiative
![[WWF] Community Generates Funds from Selling Recyclables through a Waste Bank Initiative [WWF] Community Generates Funds from Selling Recyclables through a Waste Bank Initiative](
The separation of waste at source is supported through the provision of segregation bins to collect recyclable waste, which is sold to recyclers – this intervention generates income for the community from waste sorting. KEY SUCCESSES As of November 2023, the community has sold recyclable waste to the junk shop five times, totalling 1,195 kilograms […]
Plastic Waste Free Schools Model in Viet Nam

Students can become agents of behavior change towards the plastic waste problem. TARGET USERS: Educational Institution, Teacher, Student KEY CONSIDERATIONS: The exact implementation can be adapted to different school conditions and students’ attitudes towards the issue. Besides direct engagement and behaviour change aimed at students, a potential knock-on effect is that students and youths can influence their […]

Industry plays a crucial role in the global production and use of plastics and thereby is a key player in the effort to reduce plastic pollution. TARGET USERS: Businesses, Industry, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Business-led initiatives have long differentiated leaders in an industry, and can often lead to new industry standards and benchmarks that raise the bar for […]
Waste Wise Cities Challenge

The Changemaker City Challenge pairs cities in emerging economies with partner cities to support the development of waste management systems. TARGET USERS: Individuals, Businesses, Industry, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: UN-Habitat’s Waste Wise Cities program has launched a challenge to clean-up and establish sustainable waste management programs in 20 cities around the world by 2022. MORE INFORMATION: Visit Waste Wise […]
Bye Bye Plastic Bag

Bye Bye Plastic Bags is a community engagement and educational movement driven by youth that advocates for no plastic bags. TARGET USERS: Individuals, Businesses KEY CONSIDERATIONS: The campaign was launched in 2013, in Bali, and has since grown to 50 team sites with around the world. The teams raise public awareness by delivering school presentations and workshops, organizing beach clean-ups, […]
Youth-Led Initiatives

Youth-driven community engagement and education initiatives that advocate for no plastic in our world is a powerful means to creating consumer change. TARGET USERS: Individuals, Businesses KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Youth-led organizations prove effective in raising awareness of the dangers of plastics to our environment by offering local community engagement workshops, organizing beach clean-ups, promoting plastic-free products, lobbying with local and national governments, […]
We Use

We Use is a reusable tableware rental and cleansing service for events in Hong Kong. TARGET USERS: Individuals, Businesses KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Only operating in Hong Kong. MORE INFORMATION: THE PROBLEM Events are a significant source of plastic pollution, as single-use plastics are commonly used for food and drink service. While some events provide plastic collection and sorting bins, with the […]