FROM THE MARGINS TO MAINSTREAM: A White Paper on Integrating Informal Sector Workers into Formal Economies in Southeast Asia

This report delves into the critical role of Informal Waste Workers (IWWs) within the waste
management system. The primary focus is to analyze the challenges IWWs face and the opportunities for formalizing their work, ultimately improving their working conditions and stabilizing their income.

FROM THE MARGINS TO MAINSTREAM: A White Paper on Integrating Informal Sector Workers into Formal Economies in Southeast Asia

The integration of informal waste workers into formal waste management systems presents a significant opportunity for Southeast Asia to achieve both environmental sustainability and social equity. Evergreen Labs’ initiatives highlight the potential of innovative, collaborative approaches to address existing challenges and drive progress towards a circular economy. By building on these efforts and addressing ongoing challenges, stakeholders can create a more efficient, inclusive, and sustainable waste management ecosystem that benefits all.

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