Cleaning Up Canals In Venice

Cleaning Up Canals In Venice

Research by the Italian Institute for Marine Research (CNR-ISMAR) found the canals of the historic city center of Venice to be littered with a large amount of waste and in particular, car tyres; this is due to the common practice, especially by heavy load transport boats, of using tyres as boat fenders. Project Objectives: The […]

Virtual Island Summit: Zero Waste Islands

Virtual Island Summit: Zero Waste Islands

Is a waste-free island utopia or an achievable goal? This session from the Virtual Island Summit tackles the challenges and opportunities of creating sustainable island communities. Speakers:

Transforming Waste Management and Lives in Izmir, Türkiye

Transforming Waste Management and Lives in Izmir, Türkiye

WWF-Türkiye has been working with the Metropolitan Municipality (MM) of Izmir since 2019 when the city joined Plastic Smart Cities. At the time, waste segregation at the source was not widely practised in Türkiye. Project Objectives Download the Case Study to learn more about the Izmir Transformation. Note: The IzDönüşüm project is now ending due […]

Separation of Waste at Source in Likoni and Mvita, Kenya

Separation of Waste at Source in Likoni and Mvita, Kenya

WWF Kenya, supported by the European Investment Bank, piloted a waste segregation pilot project in Mombasa. 800 households in Likoni and Mvita participated in this project. Over 8 weeks, 50,396.71 kilograms of waste were successfully separated. 12,254.45 Kilograms representing 24.3% of the collected waste was recycled reducing pressure on landfills. With an adoption rate of […]

Making the Global Plastics Treaty Work for Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises

Making the Global Plastics Treaty Work for Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises

New report by WWF and Ellen MacArthur Foundation analyses how to make the global plastic pollution treaty work for micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). The report also makes recommendations for how global rules across the plastic value chain can stimulate new marked opportunities. MSMEs represent 90% of businesses worldwide. They are engines of innovation, particularly […]

FROM THE MARGINS TO MAINSTREAM: A White Paper on Integrating Informal Sector Workers into Formal Economies in Southeast Asia

FROM THE MARGINS TO MAINSTREAM: A White Paper on Integrating Informal Sector Workers into Formal Economies in Southeast Asia

This report delves into the critical role of Informal Waste Workers (IWWs) within the wastemanagement system. The primary focus is to analyze the challenges IWWs face and the opportunities for formalizing their work, ultimately improving their working conditions and stabilizing their income. The integration of informal waste workers into formal waste management systems presents a […]

Solving Plastic Waste: Roadmap for a Sustainable Future

Solving Plastic Waste: Roadmap for a Sustainable Future

India generates more than 10 million tons of plastic waste each year. A new paper by Kearney and the Confederation of Indian Industry maps out a comprehensive initiative to address this challenging landscape. Each step of the plastics value chain requires close examination to identify issues and drive potential solutions:

Breaking the Plastic Habit: A Guidance Note and Practical Toolkit

Breaking the Plastic Habit: A Guidance Note and Practical Toolkit

Behavioural insight interventions to reduce plastic consumption were implemented in four countries in the Asia-Pacific: Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Viet Nam. Case studies on the four pilot projects provide a detailed account of the process of designing and evaluating interventions using a variety of behaviour change levers. Lessons and positive outcomes from these pioneering […]

Unlocking Financing to Combat The Plastic Crisis: Opportunities, Risks, and Recommendation for Plastic Credits

Unlocking Financing to Combat The Plastic Crisis: Opportunities, Risks, and Recommendation for Plastic Credits

Plastic pollution has become an urgent global issue (OECD 2022). Policymakers, business leaders, and communities are advancing solutions to address the problem, but a significant financing gap remains for a circular plastics economy. This report explores the viability of plastic crediting as a potential mechanism to finance plastic pollution interventions. To examine plastic crediting potential […]