Indonesia National Waste Awareness Day 2023 With Plastic Smart Cities

Indonesia National Waste Awareness Day 2023 With Plastic Smart Cities

In support of Indonesia’s National Waste Awareness Day (Hari Peduli Sampah Nasional or HPSN in short), WWF-Indonesia organised a weekend event to help raise awareness through the Plastic Smart Cities programme.  On Saturday, February 25, this event brought together over 50 participants from Jakarta, Depok and Bogor, including PSC partners from the academia, business and government […]

Kalipi: Empowering Women in the Philippines to Reduce Plastic Waste

Kalipi: Empowering Women in the Philippines to Reduce Plastic Waste

In the Philippines, households contribute a significant amount of plastic waste, among which single-use plastic in the form of disposable packaging often come up top. Soft plastics and styrofoam, in particular, are notoriously difficult and costly for recycling. More often than not, these end up being burnt, dumped in our landfills or worse, in our […]

The city of Izmir has a new plan of action to tackle plastic pollution

The city of Izmir has a new plan of action to tackle plastic pollution

Since August this year, Izmir, the third most populous city in Turkey, has a new Plan of Action to tackle plastic pollution. The Plan is an important milestone of the engagement Izmir has taken since it joined WWF’s Plastic Smart Cities Initiative in 2019. The mayor of Izmir, Tunç Soyer, explained some of the main […]