A new collaboration to manage plastic waste in Jakarta, Bogor and Depok

The Plastic Smart Cities initiative has been implemented in Indonesia since 2021 in 5 different cities: Bogor, Jakarta, Depok, Makassar, and Denpasar (Bali). In January 2024, WWF-Indonesia, with Plastic Smart Cities, launched a new collaboration with three institutions from Indonesia: PT. KIBUMI, PT. WASTE4CHANGE and the RECO Consortium, which consists of PT. Million Waste Indonesia, […]
Manila City Launches Innovative Solutions with Social Entrepreneurs to Tackle Plastic Pollution

In a bid to combat plastic pollution, Manila is launching a year-long initiative with seven groundbreaking solutions. Developed by local organizations and social enterprises, these projects aim to cut plastic waste leakage by 30%, addressing both private and public sector concerns. Suds Sustainable Pods: Cleaning Without the Waste The surge in demand for household and […]
To tackle Viet Nam’s plastic pollution, more cities & provinces called on to join Plastic Smart Cities

A milestone meeting was held to encourage cities across Viet Nam to scale the Plastic Smart Cities Initiative in reducing plastic pollution and preventing leakage into rivers, seas and other places of nature. Titled “Models and Solutions to Manage Domestic Solid Waste and Reduce Urban Plastic Waste Conference”, the event was convened by WWF-Viet Nam […]
Recycling for Change

By transforming trash into rewards, this initiative is reshaping people’s perceptions about waste. Ensuring the proper segregation of different types of waste is key to ensure that more waste is recycled and does not end up in landfills or nature. Recyclable exchange stations, where plastic waste is exchanged for coupons or cash is one of […]
How the Port of Batangas in the Philippines walks the talk to tackle plastic pollution

Amidst the pressing plastic pollution crisis in the Philippines, a trailblazing project is underway at the Port of Batangas. It is banning single-use plastics, changing habits, and upholding a long-term commitment to a future free of plastic pollution. Port Batangas’ Commitment to Prevent Waste Leak into the Ocean. Ports serve as crucial intersections between local […]
Pioneering Change in the Plastic Crisis: Gerlie’s Journey in Manila

Gerlie, a waste picker that provides vital services for the community, recycles waste to forge a path for herself and her family. Gerlie, an informal waste picker from Baseco Compound in Manila, is collaborating with Plastic Bank, a social enterprise that provides incentives to the collectors for the waste they bring in. Plastic Bank partners […]
Choose to Reuse: First ever Closed-loop Reusable Food Delivery Packaging in Hong Kong

Since October 2022, WWF-Hong Kong has partnered with foodpanda Hong Kong to kick off a first pilot programme for reusable food delivery packaging. In the pilot phase, foodpanda provided 8,000 reusable food containers which can be returned to 9 different collection points – in the form of reverse vending machines. Funded by the Environment and […]
Towards No Plastic in Nature (NPIN): Five Years’ Journey in the Philippines, Across 10 Plastic Smart Cities

WWF-Philippines’ No Plastics in Nature (NPIN) initiative celebrated its fifth anniversary on Tuesday, July 18 2023 at the Department of Environment and Natural Resources Social Hall in Quezon City, Philippines. This event was attended by WWF-Philippines staff, the Norwegian Ambassador, PSC representatives from all project sites, projects under the NPIN Initiative, national and local government […]
Yangzhou Celebrates 30% Reduction in Plastic Leakage in its Plastic Smart Cities Pilot Project

As a commemoration and evaluation of the efforts made by Yangzhou City and Plastic Smart Cities Program implementation for over three years, Yangzhou municipality held a PSC experience summary meeting on May 25th-26th 2023, which included pilot area visits and a summary meeting.
Is There a Key to Waste Recovery in Cities? Try Enhancing Separate Waste Collection

“This Guide offers inspiration and guidance to empower as many communities as possible with the knowledge to seriously consider and implement reliable separate waste collection and recycling at affordable cost through labour-intensive, low-tech approaches. These communities will be rewarded with hundreds of green jobs, a clean city, a proper environment, and satisfied residents.” Dr. Wolfgang […]