Single-use Plastic Levy
Single-use plastic levies place taxes on items like plastic bags, bottles and food packaging to deter their use. TARGET USERS: Individuals, Businesses, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Price modulation that adjusts cost modelling by businesses or consumers seek to shift usage patterns. MORE INFORMATION: See UNEP Report, page 65 THE PROBLEM Single-use plastic products (SUPs) are used once, or for a short period of […]
Plastic Credit Systems
Plastic Credit Systems require manufacturers to meet obligations by purchasing recycling certificates issued by accredited re-processors or recyclers based on the amount of plastic waste recycled. TARGET USERS: Businesses, Industry, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Plastic Credit prices are based on supply and demand, with prices fluctuating, depending on whether the market is short or in surplus, as compared […]
Packaging Material Fees
Packaging Material Fees require manufacturers to pay fees according to the amount of packaging material they put on the market. TARGET USERS: Industry, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Packaging Material Fees can be pooled to fund packaging waste management activities through a Producer Responsibility Organization. MORE INFORMATION: See the German Packaging Ordinance THE PROBLEM The trade in plastic across international borders remains […]
Landfill Tax
Landfill taxes are charged to private landfill operators to help drive waste away from landfills and towards environmentally preferable disposal alternatives, such as reuse, recycling, and composting. TARGET USERS: Businesses, Industry, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: While it is well documented that countries with high landfill taxes tend to have lower landfill rates, affordable landfill alternatives must be available in […]
Extended Producer Responsibility
Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) holds producers responsible for the collection and recycling of specified volumes of plastic that they produce and place into the market. TARGET USERS: Individuals, Businesses, Industry, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: EPR policy impacts often depend largely on implementation and policing capabilities. MORE INFORMATION: WWF EPR Project THE PROBLEM There is no economic incentive for product manufacturers to reduce […]
Excess Materials Exchange
The Excess Materials Exchange is a digital matching platform that identifies high-value re-use options for excess materials or waste products that a company produces. TARGET USERS: Individuals, Businesses, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Any material, component or product can be exchanged on the EME, however in their pilot they unlocked the potential across 18 streams. MORE INFORMATION: THE PROBLEM Far too […]
Circulate Capital
Circulate Capital finances innovations that prevent the flow of plastic waste into the world’s oceans. TARGET USERS: Individuals, Businesses, Industry, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: The Circulate Capital Ocean Fund (CCOF) provides both debt and equity financing to waste management, recycling, and circular economy start-ups and SMEs in India, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines. CCOF helps solutions to scale […]
Bankable Nature Solutions
Bankable Nature Solutions are solutions for environmental challenges that at the same time generate an acceptable (risk-adjusted) return on the money invested. TARGET USERS: Businesses, Industry, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Bankable Nature Solutions are intrinsically different from regular conservation projects as they are managed by the private sector with a design centered around revenue generating activities that help recover project […]
Advance Disposal Fee
Advanced Disposal Fees are non-refundable fees levied on individual products at the point of purchase, with the fee being built into the price of the product based on the estimated costs of collection and processing. TARGET USERS: Individuals, Businesses, Industry, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Advanced Disposal Fees employ a “polluter pays” approach to revenue generation to fund collection and […]
Blended Financing
Blended finance is an approach that blends scarce public concessional funds with private sector commercial capital to realize innovative, high-impact infrastructure projects that do not yet have a commercial track record. TARGET USERS: Individuals, Businesses, Industry, Government KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Blended finance helps rebalance investors’ risk-return profiles and allows the leveraging of public funds to crowd in private sector […]