Rising Tides: Global Opinion on Actions to Stop Plastic Pollution in 28 Countries

Rising Tides: Global Opinion on Actions to Stop Plastic Pollution in 28 Countries

Plastic production, consumption and pollution levels have increased exponentially since the 1950s and incur significant environmental, social and economic costs. Unless action is taken, plastic waste generation will double and the flow of plastic pollution into the ocean will triple by 2040. In February 2022, at the UN Environment Assembly meeting in Nairobi, UN member […]

Is There a Key to Waste Recovery in Cities? Try Enhancing Separate Waste Collection

Is There a Key to Waste Recovery in Cities? Try Enhancing Separate Waste Collection

“This Guide offers inspiration and guidance to empower as many communities as possible with the knowledge to seriously consider and implement reliable separate waste collection and recycling at affordable cost through labour-intensive, low-tech approaches. These communities will be rewarded with hundreds of green jobs, a clean city, a proper environment, and satisfied residents.” Dr. Wolfgang […]

WWF Calls for a Global Ban on ‘harmful and Unnecessary’ Single-use Plastic Items, Ahead of Key UN Plastic Pollution Treaty Talks

WWF Calls for a Global Ban on ‘harmful and Unnecessary’ Single-use Plastic Items, Ahead of Key UN Plastic Pollution Treaty Talks

NEW TECHNICAL REPORTS OUTLINE HIGH-RISK PLASTICS POLLUTING THE PLANET AND SHOWS GLOBAL PLASTIC BANS, PHASE-OUTS AND CONTROL MEASURES ARE ENTIRELY FEASIBLE. GLAND, Switzerland (15 May 2023) — WWF is calling on governments to support global bans and phase outs of the ‘most high-risk and unnecessary’ single-use plastic products – such as plastic cutlery, e-cigarettes and microplastics in […]

Kalipi: Empowering Women in the Philippines to Reduce Plastic Waste

Kalipi: Empowering Women in the Philippines to Reduce Plastic Waste

In the Philippines, households contribute a significant amount of plastic waste, among which single-use plastic in the form of disposable packaging often come up top. Soft plastics and styrofoam, in particular, are notoriously difficult and costly for recycling. More often than not, these end up being burnt, dumped in our landfills or worse, in our […]

Road to G20: WWF-Indonesia, Delterra and Minderoo Announce Pledge to Scale Towards a More Circular Southern Bali

Road to G20: WWF-Indonesia, Delterra and Minderoo Announce Pledge to Scale Towards a More Circular Southern Bali

Environmental nonprofit calls for partnerships and aggressive action to tackle the climate and waste crisis, aspiring to bring recycling and waste management services to 2.5 million people. On November 3rd, 2022, as part of the Road to G20 events under the Indonesian presidency, Delterra, Minderoo Foundation and WWF-Indonesia, through the Plastic Smart Cities Initiative, announced […]