PSC Collaborates With Global Tourism Plastics Initiative on Pilot in Venice

The Global Tourism Plastics Initiative unites the tourism sector behind a common vision to address the root causes of plastic pollution. It enables businesses, governments and other tourism stakeholders to lead by example in the shift towards a circular economy. Over 120 organizations have become signatories and disclosed their ambitious commitments toward the elimination of unnecessary single-use […]
Mediterranean Plastic Smart Cities Convene in Venice

Plastic Smart Cities across the Mediterranean region convened in Venice, Italy in June 2022, to exchange best practices, lessons learned, and strategies deployed to combat the growing plastic waste stream that threatens coastal ecosystems across the Mediterranean. WWF representatives along with city officials arrived in Venice for a two-day exchange on June 22-23, including site visits across […]
UN Member States Unanimously Agree on Legally Binding Plastics Treaty

UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-5.2) unanimously agreed to develop a legally binding treaty to end plastic pollution.
Dubrovnik Adopts Decision to Restrict Single-use Plastics

Dubrovnik decided on restricting single-use plastic for all public administrative bodies, institutions, city-owned companies, and events.
Trogir Adopts City Action Plan on Plastics

Trogir Adopts City Action Plan on Plastics, a plan that will last from 2021-2026, becoming the second city in Croatia to do so.
Dubrovnik Adopts Action Plan to Tackle Plastic Pollution

The Plastic Smart City of Dubrovnik has formally adopted the first plan of actions to tackle its plastic pollution by 2026, including key measures to reduce waste production and improve waste collection and disposal. The Plan signed by Mayor Mato Franković was developed in collaboration with the Association for Nature, Environment and Sustainable Development Sunce and […]
Venice and WWF- Together Against Plastic Pollution

Today, the City of Venice has formally joined the global WWF Plastic Smart Cities initiative. With the approval of the proposal presented by Councillor for the Environment Massimiliano De Martin, Venice is the first Italian city to join the initiative and commit to eliminate plastic leakage in nature by 2030. In his announcement, Councillor De […]
Mediterranean Cities Break Out of the Plastic Trap

The Mediterranean Sea, despite its natural beauty and tourist attractions, is turning into a dangerous plastic trap, with record levels of plastic pollution that threaten marine species and human health. Every year, about half a million tonnes of plastic enters Mediterranean waters – the equivalent of dumping 33,800 plastic bottles into the sea every minute. One-third of plastic […]
Cities Take Lead in the Fight Against Plastic – World Cities Day 2020

CITIES REAFFIRM COMMITMENT FOR NO PLASTIC IN NATURE BY 2030 Today, WWF and the Plastic Smart Cities community, celebrate World Cities Day by reaffirming their commitment to no plastic in nature by 2030, and calling on more cities around the world to take action against plastic pollution. Urban centers are responsible for an estimated 60% […]