Our Framework

Plastic Smart Cities Framework

Follow the journey to becoming a Plastic Smart City. 

Click on the steps below find out more about other steps in the framework.

Problem Statements
Barriers to sustainable circular systems in cities leading to plastic leakage
  1. Gaps in policy adoption or enforcement
  2. Inefficient recycling practices
  3. Lack of collection as well as disposal
  4. High plastic consumption
  5. Inadequate municipal funding and financing
  6. Knowledge gaps and lack of sharing best practices
Problem Statements
Considerations to feed into the successes of the activities and outcomes

Government Commitment:
(Optional) Declaration of Intent

City/National Assessment:

  • Waste baselining/ WFD
  • Cities waste hierarchy
  • Policy Review

Stakeholder Analysis:
Identify and coordinate across

Systemic Interventions
Actions required by cities/national entities to systematically address plastic leakage:

Strategy Development
City Action Plan

Policy Advocacy
Advocate city and/or national adoption of policies for effective implementation of the global plastics treaty (EPR, Bans, Regulation)

Financing & Funding Mechanisms
Supporting city capacity to finance scalable solutions

Knowledge Strengthening
Connect cities and national agencies with  plastic circularity and reduction technical expertise

Systems & Infrastructure
Support cities with the implementation and evaluation of scalable pilots for circular systems in cities 

Systemic Interventions
Intermediate Outcome
What milestones cities/national entities need to achieve to address plastic leakage:
  • Strategic shift in waste management approach
  • Policy adoption at city/national levels
  • Cities’ financial solutions are strengthened
  • Cities have increased knowledge on designing and maintaining sustainable circular system
  • City infrastructure and/or management systems are improved
Intermediate Outcome
What long-term results PSC aims to achieve with cities and national entities:
  • Reduce plastics at source 
  • Increase in material reused
  • Increase collection of plastics
  • Increase amount of plastics effectively recycled
Our vision through WWF NPIN

Reduction of Plastic into Nature

Problem Statements
Barriers to sustainable circular systems in cities leading to plastic leakage
Problem Statements
Considerations to feed into the successes of the activities and outcomes
Systemic Interventions
Actions required by cities/national entities to systematically address plastic leakage
Systemic Interventions
Intermediate Outcome
What milestones cities/national entities need to achieve to address plastic leakage
Intermediate Outcome
What long-term results PSC aims to achieve with cities and national entities
Our vision through WWF NPIN

Our Framework

Goal: Reduction of Plastic Leakage into Nature

Problem Statements


Systemic Interventions

Intermediate Outcome


Gaps in policy adoption or enforcement

Inefficient recycling practices

Lack of collection as well as disposal

High plastic consumption

Inadequate municipal funding and financing

Knowledge gaps and lack of sharing best practices

Government Commitment:
(Optional) Declaration of Intent

City/National Assessment:
-Waste baselining/ WFD
– Cities waste hierarchy
– Policy Review

Stakeholder Analysis:
Identify and coordinate across

Strategy Development

Policy Advocacy

Financing & Funding Mechanisms

Knowledge Strengthening

Systems & Infrastructure

Strategic shift in waste management approach

Policy adoption at city/national levels

Cities’ financial solutions are strengthened

Cities have increased knowledge on designing and maintaining sustainable circular system

City infrastructure and/or management systems are improved

Reduce plastics at source 

Increase in material reused

Increase collection of plastics

Increase amount of plastics effectively recycled

Towards sustainable circular systems

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