Invitation to Tender WWF: Plastic Smart Cities Pilots: Lessons Learned Study


WWF-Indonesia is a trusted independent conservation organization established on the understanding of the complex relationship between human activities and the natural environment, focusing on finding workable solutions and mobilizing action from stakeholders and supporters.

World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Plastic Smart Cities (PSC) is a global movement of cities committed to zero plastic leakage into nature. Since 2018, the program has supported over 50 cities and coastal centers in taking bold action to stop plastic pollution, with a goal to reduce plastic leakage by 30% in the near term and achieve no plastic in nature by 2030. WWF’s PSC is one part of the larger WWF No Plastic in Nature initiative, focusing on piloting city or community-level interventions to curb plastic pollution.

Stepping into the next phase of its strategy, this study will seek to document learnings from PSC’s first phase, in efforts to bring its pilots to scale where fruitful. WWF PSC would like to hire a consultant to support the gathering and production of a package of lessons learned from WWF’s efforts in reducing plastic pollution during the first phase of the PSC initiative.


Producing a set of lessons learned from WWF PSC’s pilot interventions: gather lessons learned from the PSC pilot interventions to inform future efforts to address plastic pollution in cities or pilot sites in written and video form. It will highlight the various approaches implemented by PSC teams across Asia and draw lessons from both those that did or did not achieve their intended results. The study will outline the successes and challenges faced in implementing them as well as the enablers and blockers to scaling.

  • Study Plan: Work with the WWF PSC Regional team to finalize the study methodology, data collection tools, and analysis plan;
  • Desk Research: review existing internal WWF PSC studies, assessments, reports, and data as well as conduct a brief literature review on external approaches and solutions used to address plastic pollution, comparing them with approaches used by WWF PSC teams for lessons learned;
  • Primary Data Collection: collect data through key informant interviews and/or focus group discussions with WWF implementing teams as well as other relevant stakeholders such as partner organizations or implementing actors and communities online or in-person where necessary;
  • Data Analysis: Conduct qualitative data analysis to identify common themes in the lessons learned from approaches used to reduce plastic pollution, triangulating data from the desk research with the primary data collected;
  • Documentation: Report writing/content development to showcase 20-30 PSC lessons learned from key approaches used to address plastic pollution in a format that will allow the target audience to easily understand the key messages.

Budget: USD 20,000

Deadline extended to Sunday, 3 November 2024 at 23:00 Western Indonesia Time (WIB)

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