Plastic Smart Guide For Cities

The Plastic Smart Guides are broken down into the 5 core steps outlined below:

Making the Global Plastics Treaty work for Micro-, Small-, and Medium-sized Enterprises
Making the Global Plastics Treaty Work for Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises
New report by WWF and Ellen MacArthur Foundation analyses how to make the global plastic pollution treaty...
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Jakarta - Gunung Emas Waste Bank
Community Waste Management at Gunung Emas Waste Bank: A Success Story
This story is written using Participatory Action Research where community leaders are engaged to craft...
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Guideline for Monitoring Marine Litter on the Beaches in the OSPAR Maritime Area
Guideline for Monitoring Marine Litter on the Beaches in the OSPAR Maritime Area
A guideline for monitoring marine litter on beaches has been developed by OSPAR as a tool to collect...
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Waste Wise Cities Tool
Waste Wise Cities Tool
Step by Step Guide to Assess a City’s Municipal Solid Waste Management Performance through SDG indicator...
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Breaking the Plastic Habit
Breaking the Plastic Habit: A Guidance Note and Practical Toolkit
Behavioural insight interventions to reduce plastic consumption were implemented in four countries in...
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Segregating Waste at Source in Mombasa, Kenya
WWF-Kenya is implementing a waste segregation pilot project to promote sustainable waste management and...
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Environmental Education: Schools in Hue Adopt Waste Reduction Model
Many schools in Hue City, Viet Nam have implemented the “plastic waste reduction school” model to raise...
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Phu Quoc Volunteer Group Fights Coastal Pollution in Viet Nam
Phu Quoc, also known as Pearl Island, renowned as a captivating tourist destination for both domestic...
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Milestone Achieved in Thailand: Plastic ACTion Workshops Lead the Way to Sustainability
In a significant stride towards environmental sustainability, WWF-Thailand recently hosted four WWF Plastic...
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Inspiring Stories of Community-Based Waste Management
Inspiring Stories of Community-Based Waste Management: Sharing Experiences Across Indonesia via Participatory Action Research
The initiative and role of the community in dealing with waste need to be recognized. Especially when...
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The Plastic Smart Guides were developed for cities as a step-by-step process to achieve their Plastic Smart targets. These guides will continue to be molded from lessons learned and case study examples across the PSC community, as well as best practices that are catalogued on this platform. While the initial guides were developed by WWF colleagues and external experts, moving forward we seek to include guidance and real-world examples from you, our PSC community.

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