Songkhla’s Fishing Community Takes Lead in Enhancing Waste Management Systems in Coastal Areas

As a fishing community, protecting the sea’s biodiversity isn’t just a duty – it’s a way of life. In a groundbreaking stride toward coastal conservation, the Ban Phang Sai Community in Songkhla, Thailand, is demonstrating its leadership in scaling community-led environmental stewardship. Traditionally a fishing community, Ban Phang Sai not only pioneered a waste management […]
Transforming Waste Management and Lives in Izmir, Türkiye

WWF-Türkiye has been working with the Metropolitan Municipality (MM) of Izmir since 2019 when the city joined Plastic Smart Cities. At the time, waste segregation at the source was not widely practised in Türkiye. Project Objectives Download the Case Study to learn more about the Izmir Transformation. Note: The IzDönüşüm project is now ending due […]
Milestone Achieved in Thailand: Plastic ACTion Workshops Lead the Way to Sustainability

In a significant stride towards environmental sustainability, WWF-Thailand recently hosted four WWF Plastic ACTion (PACT) workshops as part of the Plastic Smart Cities project. PACT leads the way in reducing the environmental footprint The PACT workshops took place from the end of April 2024 to May 2024, starting with Hatyai and Surat Thani in collaboration […]
From Waste to Wealth: Women Waste Collectors Key to Plastic Recycling in Viet Nam’s Hue City

Every morning, Aunty Vang rises with the sun, grabs a quick bite to eat, and sets out with her trusty old pushcart along the streets of Hue – Viet Nam’s ancient capital and a rising tourism hotspot. “Does anyone have bottle caps to sell?” Aunty Vang would call out to the streets of An Dong […]
Choose to Reuse: First ever Closed-loop Reusable Food Delivery Packaging in Hong Kong

Since October 2022, WWF-Hong Kong has partnered with foodpanda Hong Kong to kick off a first pilot programme for reusable food delivery packaging. In the pilot phase, foodpanda provided 8,000 reusable food containers which can be returned to 9 different collection points – in the form of reverse vending machines. Funded by the Environment and […]
Is There a Key to Waste Recovery in Cities? Try Enhancing Separate Waste Collection

“This Guide offers inspiration and guidance to empower as many communities as possible with the knowledge to seriously consider and implement reliable separate waste collection and recycling at affordable cost through labour-intensive, low-tech approaches. These communities will be rewarded with hundreds of green jobs, a clean city, a proper environment, and satisfied residents.” Dr. Wolfgang […]
Kalipi: Empowering Women in the Philippines to Reduce Plastic Waste

In the Philippines, households contribute a significant amount of plastic waste, among which single-use plastic in the form of disposable packaging often come up top. Soft plastics and styrofoam, in particular, are notoriously difficult and costly for recycling. More often than not, these end up being burnt, dumped in our landfills or worse, in our […]
Regenerative Agriculture: Utilize Dry Leaves and Transform It Into Sustainable Tableware

VIET NAM – Single-use plastic tableware is now part of lifestyle and activity for people around the world, and now, Nguyen Van Tuyen, of Phu Yen province, has developed an alternative product made from dried leaves. It all started from the Vietnamese tradition to give Areca fruits as a wedding gift because it represents a […]
Gender Inequality and Plastic Pollution: Study underscores need for gender equity in waste management

A study on plastic pollution revealed that there is gender inequality in waste management, wherein women are expected to carry more responsibilities than men. The study conducted by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Philippines, Angat Bayi program, and University of the Philippines Center for Women and Gender Studies (CWGS) found that people believe […]
Rethinking Recycling Academy and Plastic Smart Cities Tackle Waste in Bali

Rethinking Recycling Academy is a capacity-building program launched by, in partnership with the Plastic Smart Cities Initiative, to transform the waste management ecosystem in Ubung Kaja village, Bali, Indonesia. Plastic Smart Cities (PSC) is a WWF initiative that works with cities around the world to keep plastic away from nature. Ubung Kaja is a village […]