“Leave No Trace” Showcases Best Practices to Stop Ocean Plastic

“Leave No Trace” Showcases Best Practices to Stop Ocean Plastic

As plastic use increases around the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed vulnerabilities in the global waste management system. These impacts now threaten waste programs, particularly those in countries at the frontline of the ocean plastic challenge. A new book, “Leave No Trace: Vital Lessons from the Frontline of Waste and Ocean Plastic” highlights proven solutions from 45 organizations working […]

We Cannot Recycle Our Way Out of Ocean Plastic Pollution

We Cannot Recycle Our Way Out of Ocean Plastic Pollution

Ocean plastic is killing millions of marine mammals, seabirds and many other life forms. Images of turtles eating plastic bags floating in the sea, whales starved by several kilograms of plastic debris in their stomachs and dolphins entangled in abandoned fishing nets have become iconic symbols of the impact of ocean plastic pollution. It is […]